
CMAA is the industry’s most competent source for professional education and training relating to your chosen profession, the fastest growing in the construction industry.

Opportunities include local and national education events, professional certification, continuing education credits and scholarships.

In addition to the educational opportunities, CMAA SAC holds an annual Project Achievement Awards competition each June and publishes a quarterly newsletter featuring a variety of industry specific articles and relevant information.

Click here for all of the National CMAA Professional Development offerings.


CII Alliance



The annual South Atlantic Chapter Construction Management Project Achievement Awards program recognizes outstanding achievement in the practice of construction management. The awards program is designed to recognize and promote professionalism and excellence in the management of the construction process.

For more information and application, click here.


To promote CMAA’s objectives, the South Atlantic Chapter is offering academic scholarships to full‐time students pursuing a related degree to construction management. The Construction Management Association of America South Atlantic Chapter, awards a total of three scholarships to qualified students to help them defray the costs of pursuing a degree in Construction Management or a related-degree program. The amounts of the scholarships vary from year to year, but typically average with three at $1500 each.

For more information and application, click here.


CMAA South Atlantic Chapter is proud to bring you Building Connections, a quarterly eNewsletter. Our goal is to provide you with leading edge best practices and real world experiences to assist you in your day-to-day professional construction management and related activities. We shall keep you informed regarding local chapter affairs and upcoming events, as well as CMAA national news, events and publications.

For more information and application, click here.